Castle Hill Country Park

Here are the remaining photos of the juvenile female Stonehatch taking flight, a Fieldfare, and a cute Blue Tit, from last weekend’s walk through Castle Hill Country Park outside Salisbury, England.

I did struggle with the lighting, as it was a typical English February day as far as the skies were concerned: grey, overcast, and a bit bland. Thankfully, the wind was relatively calm and the temperatures were actually pretty mild.

Each photo *should* be linked to my webpage where you can view them larger at higher resolutions if you desire. I hope you enjoy the photos!

A juvenile female stonechat perches on a branch of a thorny bush.
A Juvenile Female European Stonechat
A juvenile European Stonehatch takes flight from her perch.
A juvenile European Stonehatch takes flight from her perch.
The juvenile female European Stonechat continues her flight against a soft background of pastel colors.
The juvenile female European Stonechat continues her flight against a soft background of pastel colors.
A relatively uncommon sighting in the park, this was one Fieldfare of several in a tree.
A relatively uncommon sighting in the park, this was one Fieldfare of several in a tree. Focusing was difficult due to the intervening branches, so forgive the soft focus.
A handsome Blue Tit against a grey sky and trees barren of leaves.
A handsome Blue Tit against a grey sky and trees barren of leaves.

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8 responses to “Castle Hill Country Park”

  1. Lovely!

    1. Thanks very much Ingrid!

  2. This is magnificent! The lighting does not seem to have been a problem. Gorgeous photos!

    1. Very kind of you, thanks very much!

  3. Hi. You liked one of my posts and followed me. I was going to follow you back but the link that showed up on my post has a typo and doesn’t work. Message I received: doesn’t exist. I think there is an “s” missing. Just thought I would let you know.

    1. Oh no, thanks so much for pointing that out! I’ll look into it. 🙂

    2. I think I found the error, I really appreciate you letting me know. 🙂 I look forward to reading your posts in future!

      1. Glad you were able to solve

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