Lens-Artists Challenge #287 – Sounds

This week’s challenge is provided by Donna at Wind Kisses. What a wonderful theme and I am glad for it because while I was looking through images to share, it stimulated my memories of the moment of capture. Thinking about how the subject sounded at the time was a different way for me to remember some of my favorite images and brought a special sense of awareness that is sometimes missing when you view images months or years later. I really enjoyed having that extra layer of reflection.

One of my favorite sounds is the dawn chorus when songbirds begin their day just before and during sunrise. Much like when you see cows while driving and have to point them out to fellow passengers in the car, when I hear the early morning bird song I pause and listen, pointing it out to my very patient wife. The robin is the quintessential dawn chorus bird to me. They are melodic, ever-present, and usually aren’t scared off by non-stealthy photographers.

A European robin belts out a morning song at full throat. For an audio recording, click HERE

This next image captures another favorite sound I’m sure many share. The sound of a mountain stream as its cold waters bubble and gurgle around the rocky bed. Below is an image taken at the Partnatch Gorge in Bavaria, Germany. As the river continues, it is enclosed by steep rock cliffs that amplify the sound of the rushing water loud enough to make conversing difficult at times. It is an impressive sight (and sound) but for auditory pleasure, the sound of the river without the rock walls makes me want to sit and relax while the current carries my stress away.

I imagine my next entry is also a common theme for loved sounds. Ocean waves breaking on the beach. While the breaking waves are certainly soothing and relaxing, I have a personal preference for the sound of a specific portion of the waves on the beach. I love it when the waves roll onto the shore, run up the sand, and then the sound of the back current sucking the water to return to the ocean. The sound of the ocean as it draws the water back into itself and the water courses through the sand and pebbles on the beach gives an earthy ‘tinkling’ sound that I enjoy. That’s what the picture below reminded me of. I stood at the edge of a pier in the cold hours of a December dawn in Aberystwyth, Wales enjoying that specific sound as the town slept.

My final submission is a little bit non-specific. How can you have silence and sound at the same time? That’s what I feel when you are alone (or, as in my case, with my wonderful wife) in the old English forests. There are no man-made sounds and things are silent, except for the occasional breeze, the chatter of squirrels, and birdsong. I swear sometimes it feels like the earth just sighs and you have to sigh right along with it.

The rising sun shines through the thick canopy of the Grovely Wood. People leave gifts on the branches of one of the famous Handsel trees in Wiltshire, UK.

I look forward to seeing everyone’s contributions this week. Thanks again, Donna for a wonderful theme!

For more about the Lens-Artists challenges, click HERE.

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19 responses to “Lens-Artists Challenge #287 – Sounds”

  1. Beautiful sounds. I loved the tree in your last image.

    1. Thanks, Anne! The Groveley Wood is supposed to be haunted. The legend is that young sisters (three I think) were accused of witchcraft and hung from the Handsel trees in the wood. The tree pictures is one of those Handsel trees. People visit the trees and leave offerings, often of a druid or wiccan nature, to the spirits of the wood. It’s definitely a very special place, there is a massive old Roman Road that cuts through it as well. One of my favorite walks.

      1. It looks like it might have been haunted. Super area!

  2. I fell in love with the robin right away. Dawn chorus, yes, that is it! With the river, I found it interesting that you paid close enough attention to realize it is amplified with the cliff walls. You are clearly in touch with nature, Paradocs. And the beach? I love your description of the pebbles and water being pulled back in the tide. You are right, it is a distinctive sound and was a reminder of my days on the beach. And finally, what a wonderful wander to the Handsel Tree. I enjoyed every word of this and the photos to accompany it. Others will be inspired by you as well.

    1. Wow, thanks so very much for your comments!

      1. Welcome.

  3. Great entry, Patrick. The opening image of the robin is so expressive. I liked the combination of images and sounds you brought to the challenge. Wonderful post!

    1. Thanks Egidio!

  4. Great photos. I love that old tree.

    1. Thank you John! The legend is that the Groveley Wood is haunted by the spirits of three young sisters that were hung for being witches from the Handsel trees. People leave offerings hung from the branches to the spirits of the wood. I’ve been there in early morning and it sure is spooky!

      1. Ha! 👻

  5. Beautiful photos. Specially enjoyed the robin

    1. Thank you!

  6. Remarkable photos! The robin is absolutely lovely. The tree, wow!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them, thanks for commenting, Amy!

  7. The robin is wonderful. I saw may first ones of the year earlier this week. And I could have quite a conversation with that tree.

    1. Thank you Marie. I love robins, they are the perfect little bird!

  8. What a beautiful take on this theme – loved your robin so much, and the water, clear and loud. The beautiful tree: ” I swear sometimes it feels like the earth just sighs and you have to sigh right along with it.” Those words went straight to my heart – that is just the way it feels.

    1. You just made my day, Leya, thank you!

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